What is CBD Oil (Cannabidiol Hemp Oil)?
Within the swiftly growing cannabis oil industry is a new category of products seeing its own equally rapid rise in popularity: cannabidiol hemp oil, or CBD Oil.
These highly demanded hemp derived products are available for purchase online and delivery straight to your door, or at retailers in over 40 countries around the world.
CBD oil is made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp, unlike medical marijuana products, which are usually made from plants with high concentrations of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Because hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, these hemp oil products are non-psychoactive.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids presently identified in the cannabis plant and is the second most abundant cannabinoid in marijuana after THC. In hemp, however, THC is only present in trace amounts, while CBD dominates the plant’s makeup. CBD interacts with our naturally occurring systems, but is non-psychotropic, it doesn’t cause a high. This makes it a safer, less controversial alternative, while still offering significant health benefits.
Why Use Cannabidiol CBD Oil Supplements?
CBD has become a highly sought after compound in recent years, taking the natural products industry by storm after receiving highly publicized exposure in the media, including in Sanjay Gupta’s special, “Weed”, which first premiered on CNN. Since then, CBD oil products have appeared on shelves in doctors offices, medical marijuana dispensaries and grocery stores alike, with no medical card required to purchase.
CBD interacts with the body through the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) or endocannabinoid system. First discovered in the late 1980’s, the endocannabinoid system regulates the body’s homeostasis, or general state of balance, impacting such functions as mood, sleep, appetite, hormone regulation, and pain and immune response. Like an acrobat on a highwire, as the environment around us impacts our normal balance, the endocannabinoid system “corrects” by mediating our body’s reaction to keep us level.
Found in all mammals, the endocannabinoid system is made up of millions of cannabinoid receptor sites located primarily throughout the brain and central nervous system (CB1 receptors) and immune system (CB2 receptors) that act in neural communication.
However, the endocannabinoid system doesn’t simply rely on plant-based cannabinoids, or phytocannabinoids. The human body is capable of making its own cannabinoids. Similar in function to CBD, Anandamide and 2-AG are the body’s own endocannabinoids, created to control communication between cells, mediating your body’s functions.
It’s clear that the endocannabinoid system is one of the most important regulatory systems in the human body, but most people do very little to support the health of this system, because cannabinoids have not been part of the average diet.
What Makes Hemp CBD Oil Unique?
The naturally low-THC hemp plant, a non-psychoactive of cannabis, grown in many countries around the world and imported into the United States for use in textiles, building materials, and of course nutritional supplements and foods.
There are thousands of unique varieties of hemp. The cultivars used for CBD oil contain significantly higher concentrations of CBD than others. Using these uniquely potent plants, it is possible to extract cannabis oil that contains a significant levels of cannabidiol, as well as essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids.
CBD oil is also significantly different than the hemp seeds or organic hemp oil you commonly find in grocery stores. Derived only from hemp seeds, hemp seed oil is a great nutritional supplement, containing many vitamins and minerals and other healthy constituents, but it does not contain cannabidiol.
In the past decade or more, there have been over 23,000 of studies published in peer reviewed medical journals detailing the effects of cannabis, cannabis oil, and cannabinoids on the body.
Now that families, legislators, scientists, and more are becoming aware of the potential of cannabidiol, hemp CBD oil presents a game changing solution in the supplement marketplace, providing all the benefits CBD, without the high of marijuana, that thousands of people already count on every day.
What Types of Hemp CBD Oil Products Are Available?
The uses of CBD hemp oil are as varied as the customers who order it. With that in mind, there are a wide variety of CBD hemp oil products available, ranging in price and potency, to meet the needs of everyone.
- Pure CBD Oil: The most potent type of CBD product available is pure CBD oil, known as Real Scientific Hemp Oil™ (RSHO™). This all natural hemp oil is simply extracted from the stalk of the hemp plant, tested for quality, and packaged for sale with no additives. These pure oils have the highest concentration of CBD, usually 100mg or more per serving.
- CBD Tinctures or Liquids: Some of the most popular hemp CBD oil products are in liquid form, made by diluting the pure hemp CBD oil into an alcohol or other natural oil base.
Also commonly referred to as CBD tinctures or sprays, there are a variety of great benefits to CBD liquids. They usually offer a smaller serving of CBD, from 1-20mg per serving, which is enough for most people.CBD liquids also come in great flavors, making CBD enjoyable for children, or anyone with a sweet tooth.Best of all, CBD tinctures, liquids or sprays are some of the most affordable CBD products on the market.
- CBD Capsules: Most people are used to taking a morning multivitamin, so with CBD oil capsules, it’s easy to get your CBD into your daily routine. Most CBD capsules contain a moderate serving of CBD, usually 25 mg or more. If you start your day with your morning fish oil capsule or multivitamin, CBD capsules could be for you.
- CBD Topicals: Not all CBD oil products are taken internally. CBD oil topicals like soothing salves and balms can be rubbed directly onto the skin. Many CBD topicals are enriched with all-natural essential oils and botanical blends, these luxurious balms are rubbed into the skin, muscles, and joints for focused attention to trouble areas.
Source: medicalmarijuanainc.com/what-is-cbd-hemp-oil/
Does it work for X medical condition?
Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) or the FDA or any other equivalent body. Because of this, can’t make any claims about what CBD Hemp Oil can do or may do for you. But, we CAN pass along that we have numerous customers using our products regularly for things such as: Cancer, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Insomnia, Anxiety, Migraines and so much more. While CBD doesn’t help everyone with their condition, we have many people who return regularly for reorders. The only way you’ll know if it will help you is to try it. (If you need further advice, your doctor or medical practitioner might be able to help.)
Again, we at Fightstore Ireland do not make any claims as to the medical benefits of our products and any links from our website are not an endorsement of said websites. Our products are sold as dietary supplements and are sold without any supplementary information.
Check out the Canavape’s frequently asked questions on CBD for more information.