8 WEAPONS Muay Thai Heavy Rope

Retail Price - 16.95

The skipping rope is equipped with two heavy wooden handles and is optimal for striking strength building of the shoulders and upper arms.

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8 WEAPONS Muay Thai Heavy Rope

The skipping rope is equipped with two heavy wooden handles and is optimal for striking strength building of the shoulders and upper arms.

In very many Thai professional camps these skipping ropes are used.

The opinion of Thai professional camps is one of the best references for assessing the quality and training efficiency, especially since there is hardly any other place where martial arts equipment is exposed to such a high continuous load.

8 WEAPONS Muay Thai Heavy Rope Features:

  • Length / Weight: 2.90 m / 440 gram
  • PVC hose with wooden handles

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8 WEAPONS is a collective of Muay Thai lovers from Germany & Thailand. We share a love of sports, artwork and great products.
We combine high-quality craftsmanship from Bangkok with European designs.

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