Carbon Claw Pro X-ILD Speedball 6″

Retail Price - 54.95

It needs to be durable but not too bulky as it may cause unnecessary friction that may wear the loop but may also slow down the pace of the ball in motion.

Available on back-order

Brand: Carbon Claw SKU: CC-144 Categories: ,


Carbon Claw Pro X-ILD Speedball 6″

The PRO X ILD -7 Series Speedball measures only 6 inches in length. It makes for a more difficult ball to train with as the reduced hitting area takes for a more skilled hand eye co-ordination to maintain rhythm and continuity.

Using a speedball for the first time can sometimes be a difficult task to master. Once accomplished it has already improved and taught you a variety of boxing skills such as hand eye co-ordination and rhythm. Also with building up that upper arm shoulder strength and fitness for improved power and performance.

For a speedball to be effective it needs to be cylindrical and inflated to the correct pressure and will require regular on going inflation checks to maintain performance.

Manufactured from the latest genuine leather hide materials. The 6 panel machine stitched ball incorporates a supa safe rubber inflatable bladder that significantly reduces air loss.

The internal rubber bladder has purposely not been sewn into the speedball so as a replacement bladder can be an option if damaged.

The hanging loop may not seem to be an important feature but it must not be overlooked.

It needs to be durable but not too bulky as it may cause unnecessary friction that may wear the loop but may also slow down the pace of the ball in motion.

Carbon Claw Pro X-ILD Speedball 6″ inflation P.S.I – Maximum pressure 4lbs

Do not over inflate.

Not what you’re looking for? Check out our selection of speed balls and double end balls.

This Prestigious Carbon Claw brand carries the Kudos of over 30 years of manufacturing traditions. With the ever evolving in-house design and technology they bring you a quality product that can perform to the growing pace and demands of today’s consumer expectations.

Not just relying on their many past years of valued customer reviews and experiences. They continually assess and research current consumer trends allowing us to offer you the latest in design, technology and performance.

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